Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 11

    It was an hour before dawn. The earliest grey and pink lights of dawn were touching the sky, while the world below was mostly illuminated by the soft glow of the moon, which was just disappearing behind the white mountains in the west. Link had awoken himself early, even before almost all of the castle household. He had packed the previous night. Truett refused to get up and instead stayed sleeping, now inside of his hat, in which he had poked appropriate, tiny holes for air. Now as he stepped out onto the snowy castle grounds and headed for the city, he could feel the warmth of Truett's glow and the faintest of drafts inside his hat. The sensations were not uncomfortable, but rather strange, and he had to resist the urge to scratch his head or shift his hat around.

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 10

     Link was walking back to his quarters. It was late in the evening now, and while he had avoided the knights all day, now he checked each one he passed to see if it was Bolek. From Princess Zelda's reaction, apparently only Durmuni, Dolo and he had known of the monsters' abduction of Auru. Everyone else was convinced that the monsters had done no more than raid without plundering, causing very few causalities and a lot of property damage.

    Even as the Princess forbade Link from searching for the monsters and Auru, he had decided to do so anyways. The moment she closed her study door, he immediately turned and walked away, disappointed at her inability to help him, making him all the more resolute in going to search himself. Still, as he left, he could feel the eye of the black-clad woman who served Zelda following him. She did not say anything, yet Link could not help but feel as though she knew what he was thinking; it took all the courage he had not to run away from her piercing gaze.

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 9

  "Come on, Link!"

    Auru was gesturing for Link to follow him onto the large, frozen pond that sprawled across their path. The pale winter sun peeped out behind grey clouds, casting the frozen woods and the two boys in a clear, cold light.

    Walking uneasily out onto the ice, Link tried to stay on the patches of snow to give him some traction. Looking up at Auru's smiling, freckled face, he said, "I don't know if going this far is a good idea."

  "Oh come on. If we keep going, we're sure to find a fairy fountain. Don't you want to see a fairy again? I read all that Purel has about fairies, but I'm sure that it's nothing to actually seeing it!"

    "I guess—"

    Link froze, hearing a loud cracking noise. The ice beneath his feet seemed to move on its own. He and Auru both looked down. The ice underneath his feet was riddled with small, spreading cracks.

   Desperately he looked back up, but did not move, his seven year old body paralyzed. He had never even been on any frozen body of water before. After all, Zora's River never froze over fully, and his association with ice was limited to puddles and the floes that came down from the waterfalls in late winter.