Saturday, February 23, 2013

Original and Fanfiction Art

With some of the comments from when I posted them on deviantart.

The first is an original piece, and was my Valentine's Day art.

Quote from DA post
A Valentine's Day picture, because I really wanted to make one this year because of reasons......though it doesn't really look like one at all. C'est la vie.

This is Deval meeting LILI for the first time, probably. He's probably nearing the end of some crazy rebel mission for the night that he's not in charge of this time, and thinks she's just some weird girl who got lost in the area.
She is in reality a internet idol (made solely for exploitation) who was essentially "incarnated" a-la Digimon on Earth, save that it's kind of Deval's fault, but I don't know if he knows it when he first meets her.

Anyways, Deval being Deval, automatically stops to help her get out of the area. It's not because she's a girl or because it's true love at first sight or whatever: that's just the type of person he is, and his willingness to help and give and give and keep giving to just about everyone is a big part of any romantic attention directed towards him in his story.

So yeah, this picture isn't cutesy Valentines Day like it should be, but it is, like...I guess just showing things that have to do with love. I dunno.

I still don't know about the lighting. I know there's a lamp in that corner. And then the fire, and then something else that Deval is looking towards. Yep.

Of course, one thing I love best about these two is that their names are like a really bad joke. Deval's name comes from "deva", which is Sanskrit, so I have NO idea what the pronunciation is like, but I know most people will pronounce it like "devil." And then LILI's full, original name that only she knows at this point is Lilith. Yeah, stupid joke...though I guess you actually have to be a little educated to get it...

And the second picture is a concept for my fan fic that I've been posting here and on DA:

 So, I'm not going to call this a completed work, mostly because the mountains look so...bleh. But I still liked doing this. Got the colors and look down for my Link better, and also got Truett's color and the style I want to draw her and fairies in for this thing.

So, I was thinking that the mountain behind them would be the one that they're on now, the Lost Woods, but it doesn't look like the trees are nearly dense enough. But the mountain is...roughly the right height. Needs to be taller though. Though, if you take into account that Link and Truett are on elevated ground too, then it's probably about right.

And oh, the statues in the ground aren't random, though they're incomplete. No, I was thinking of the old Celtic statues, with emphasis on the head and eyes. Kind of like the open-eyed look that's always in the art in the Book of Kells, things like that. But again, it's not complete.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Legend of Zelda: Deluge December part 3

   Picking up another dark shelled brown nut, Link looked it over. It was large, almost too large for him to easily hold in his hand. They did not show any sign of wear or tear from animals or from the hard winter weather and frozen temperatures of the past weeks. The hard shell was smooth and intact, with each only having the smallest of cracks in the middle, through which he could barely see a dark yellow nut.

    He slipped the nut inside of his hat, which he was using as a makeshift bag. Equipped with only his shield, he had nothing else to carry these nuts that Truett had spotted in a small, dry clearing and immediately snapped at him to collect. Now his hat was nearly full and he picked up another, looking for any flaws, though he had not found any thus far.

    “Don’t try to eat them, Link,” Truett said, fluttering overhead.

    He shot a frown at her, but shook his head and hurriedly put the nut in his hat. “You said these are magic, aren’t they?”

    “Yes. They sort of work like small bombs. If you throw them at a Hylian or animal, it will stun them, though it won’t hurt them very much. It’s more effective on Wolfos and other monsters.” She flew down closer to him. “They won’t help much if these people you’re trying to save try to kill you again.”

Friday, February 8, 2013

Legend of Zelda: Deluge December Part 2

    Someone kicked Link roughly in the side, shouting for him to wake up. Cold air surrounded him as his blanket was thrown off of him. Quickly he sat up, reaching for his sword. He froze, cold steel brushing against his neck.

    “Don’t move.”

    Narif and Vinn, the two guards traveling with the small company of researchers in the Forbidden Woods, were looking down at him. It was still night, but the fire was large enough to light the area, revealing the severe expressions on the guards’ faces. Narif had his sword out and was drawing it away from Link’s neck, but still pointed it at him.

    “Recognize this?” Vinn thrust out a scrap of cloth towards Link.

     Reflecting the firelight was a gold leaf symbol. With a small gasp, he recognized the symbol of the Royal Family of Hyrule: the Triforce, with a pair of wings cascading out from underneath it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Legend of Zelda: Deluge December Part 1

    “Hey! Get up!”

    Link rolled over under the small fur blanket that Layrel had given him two nights ago. The ground was warm beneath him, yet the outside air was the strong, airy cold of morning. Wind swept snow outside of the small, miniscule cave in the river rocks that was only large enough for him to crawl in and lie down. Truett did not seem to mind the cold, as the fairy kept flying around outside, shouting at him.

   “I said, get up!” Swooping down next to him, she pulled on his ear until he propped himself up on his elbows, the top of his head grazing the stone above. Slowly he threw the blanket off and pulled on his cloak instead. He had not bothered to even take off his boots last night, and had little to pack. Rolling his blanket together last and tying his pack with leather straps, he set it down beside the miniature cave and walked out and down to the bank of Zora’s River.