Thursday, March 7, 2013

First of an Art Series (Grandiose) and Updates

This is the first of a series of 35 pictures I plan on doing, all strongly linked and inspired by a particular song, though I'll be letting inspiration from any number of places flow freely while drawing and painting the picture. Here we have inspiration from Professor Layton, the notion of "classic beauty", lazy decorative art, as well as from different artists, one of whose characters I partially modeled this character here after.

So, I have and probably may again go through my previous blog posts and edit for the sake of making them easier, less vague reading. Also, I want to whip this blog up some, make it a little less personal and more...well, nicer, really a place for my art and stories and less for my Gratitude Journal (though I'll still probably have an entry on that from time to time.)

The reason is that I plan to, this summer, start a much more public, "professional" blog on "Cartoons and Why You Should Care." Or so the hypothetical name goes. It would look at art, character, story, meaning, violence, sex, and beauty in cartoons, and why every person from parents to students to whomever should give at least a whit about cartoons, and realize that they can, and should be, a valid art form and not just a gross medium for entertainment. So, I'll be linking to this blog from there and vice-versa, so I don't want any readers on there, a blog that I will spend a great deal more time and thought with, to come here and go "bleh" from vague and overly sentimental writings.

So there we have it.

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