Friday, August 19, 2011

Gratitude Journal?

After looking at the website for Simple Abundance (and I want like, all the books) I'm thinking of starting one. However, I wonder if I shouldn't like to post it up here instead of writing it down somewhere. Still, that would mean a lot of updates (since it's supposed to be every day!) and that would get tedious pretty quickly for anyone watching this. I'm thinking perhaps a weekly thing...but, my memory is so bad that sometimes I can't remember exactly what I was doing earlier in the week when I look back (did Monday even happen?) Well, maybe I'll just write it down daily somewhere, then upload the week's worth on here, and then maybe add somethings or whatnot.
I still want to use this place for more than just a journal-ish thing, but it's been pretty dead so far, because I tend to forget about it. I'll have to review exactly what I want to do with this blog, but still, doing this would be a good start, and I think it'd help me personally be more grateful for my life and all the boring and weird stuff in it.
So, I'm thinking of doing it on Sundays. We'll see how this works out.

In other news, I'm entering a calendar contest. I won't get money for prizes or anything, but I still want to do it loads, and when I woke up at like four in the morning today I got a brilliant idea. Whenever I do it, I'll be posting it here as well as on DA.
Last night was interesting; first there was that burst of inspiration, then I had an awful dream that made me wake up with this nasty inner chill that I just couldn't get rid of. At least I was wide awake to get to early morning Mass.

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