Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Musings as Response

I need to flesh out my ideas for these upcoming essays. I won't have much time for them in the next two weeks, methinks, so this will be the last thing I'll be putting up for a while. I took this challenge and manipulated it for Eva (and not just the anime, the movies (End and Rebuilds) and the manga.) This will probably help, methinks.
On an unrelated note, I have a driver's test almost first thing tomorrow...of course, I can retake it, but I hope to do well enough the first time. Wish me luck!

Day 1 - Your favorite character
Rei. I can relate to her in so many ways. While I can probably relate to Asuka more, I can understand Rei's underlying temperament (I do believe it's a prominent Melancholic) as well as her problems with repression. She also just fascinates me as a character, and the mystery surrounding her, her multiple incarnations and her association with Lilith. The problem with this show is that so much is left a mystery that it's hard to do an analysis of it without guessing a good deal!
...Though, as far as favorites, Rei might be my favorite, but I still LOVE Kaworu.

Day 2 - Your least favorite character
Like, oh my gosh, those jerks on SEELE. Buncha old jerks who are totally out of touch with humanity. No wonder Kaworu didn't seem to like them much.

Day 3 - Your favorite non-anime version
Highschool Apocalypse, just because I started with it and it made me love Kaworu.

Day 4 - Your least favorite version
The Raising Shinji Ikari Project. Just a buncha fanservice...

Day 5 - Your favorite episode
That's rough...maybe the one where Asuka and Shinji work together to defeat that one angel that split into two. It was so nice and normal-ish. Also, the last two are just awesome.

Day 6 - Your least favorite episode
The End of Evangelion parts were called "episodes"...do those count?

Day 7 - Your favorite Shinji whining scene
Okay, I loved changing that there. Probably when he first comes in, just because it's memorable and says a lot about him.

Day 8 - Your favorite crying scene
When the third Rei finally cries. FINALLY.

Day 9 - Your favorite Angel death scene
Pfffffffff maybe the weird purple one that attacked when Toji and Kensuke were dumb enough to be out above ground.

Day 10 - Your least favorite death scene
The one that Eva 01 ate. Disturbing. VERY disturbing...or maybe Eva 03. Ugh.

Day 11 - Your favorite quote
Beats me!

Day 12 - Your favorite funny scene
Probably the horses' head in Apocalypse. Oh. My. Gosh.

Day 13 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Do tears of pure utter horror count?

Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy
When Shinji nearly punches his father in the manga after Toji gets killed. GO SHINJI. GO.

Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
Pretty much everything Gendo does. "Why should I care that my son is getting fried alive? Jeez."

Day 16 - An episode that scared you
End of Evangelion. All of it.

Day 17 - Your favorite friendship
Shinji and Kaworu in Apocalypse, Shinji and Toji in the anime/manga. Sigh.

Day 18 - Your favorite romance
Shinji and Rei. Yes, I realize how wrong that is...but how are THEY supposed to know?

Day 19 - Your favorite song
That's rough. I like a lot of those songs. Probably Rei's theme. All of them.

Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Hmmmm...I hate recaps!

Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Asuka in Rebuild. She's so awesome!

Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
I guess Kaworu counts, since he originally only appears in one episode. I just love him...

Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Asuka, with her angry perfectionism and how that's connected to self-hate...

Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
The first episode/part of End of Evangelion. Please!

Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Probably for the series to actually completely make sense. Or maybe for Asuka, Rei and Misato to have recoveries like Shinji in the anime ending.

Day 26 - Your favorite fanvid
Oh my gosh you don't have to ask this one:

Day 27 - Your favorite THIIIIING
This is turning lame.

Day 28 - Your favorite finale
Not End of Evangelion. Probably the anime or Iron Girlfriend. That was sweet!

Day 29 - Your favorite fanfic
I don't think I've ever read any, actually. I'm pretty wary of Eva fanfics.

Day 30 - Anything Eva related
I think it is very interesting how Western themes such as the search for/conflict with the father are used and other things that make the show more universal rather than just another Japanese show.

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