Thursday, December 27, 2012

The fading forests grow

      "I would be lying if I said I was not penning this down with no mixed feelings..." 

     My Christmas was one spent in the sunny Southern California, in the lovely area of Palm Springs. It is very strange there; surreal, as it was a chilly time, yet with the eternally green grass and palm and evergreen trees about and many desert flowers blooming, it looked like summertime. Still, it was very nice, and the weather was perfect for many things.

    The first day there was, frankly, a mess. It was lovely to see my grandparents again; we spent the whole time in their house. We unpacked alright, but the different time zone, lack of sleep, and a plethora of very sorrowful feelings churning in me made the whole day and evening a rough affair.

    Things improved from thereon out. The days were really rather peaceful; we went to eat with my mother's sister and her husband after going to a park known as Joshua Tree National Park. It's a pretty desolate place, but the trees themselves were bizarre and interesting, as well as the varied rock formations and history of the park we learned more of as we went along. We went to a summit and were able to see the whole of Palm Springs, even to the salt sea beyond, and a few mountains even further away. It was immense, vast, humbling, nearly overwhelming....and very cold. Still, it was really amazing.

    I read a great deal of Jane Eyre, which I like a lot, but still have yet to finish. I also read, more later on, old Celtic Romances and finished the most recent book in the How to Train Your Dragon series, which was very good.

    Also saw my father's side of the family; firstly the grandparents, then his sister, her husband and two of her sons and their children. Their children were frankly all adorable and were being raised well; they were behaving admirably for their age. Also there was one of my cousin's Rottweiler, who was a presence all on her own with roughly 120 pounds to back her up. Still, she was a sweetie, though a gluttonous one.

    Spent a lot of time with this side of the family, which was really nice; they're good and easy to get along with and talk with. Also tried Guinness...and realized much of it is far too light for my taste. Ahh, I really do want some Cider sooner than later...

    Overall it was a great vacation. Christmas Day was our last full day there, and it was really quiet compared to the previous day. Went to two great masses (Sunday and Christmas dawn) and also Advent Confession, and at the Adoration Chapel in that particular church, saw a relic of Saint Padre Pio. This meant a great deal, as I had started to pray regularly by the handbook of devotionals related to and directed to him, asking for intercession. More than anything this Christmas, I gave away many prayers. I do not know, and may never know, if anything has or will come of them, but I do think it's done me good, at the least.

    On the first day, while leaving from the second airport at the half-way stop, it was then that I started the prayers that I have continued and will continue to do so, and it was then I was inspired to write a letter that I will never send. Expressing myself through it has made me feel very purged; psychologically, it was a very good exercise.

    At this moment, I am happy it's Christmas, and I wish everyone I have ever known a good Christmas. This Advent has been fruitful, as well as the time spent with my family and I'm very grateful for it. But I still feel very lost in many ways, especially in regards to the letter. It all does feel very lonely, and perhaps nothing will ever occur or happen, because I am rather powerless. All I can do is pray. Yet, no matter what occurs, I still believe there will be fear. But that might just be because no matter what happens, there will be suffering.
I do not want the easy way, I want what is best; I hope for it, no matter what it may be.

    I have so many things, that have occurred, are occurring and will occur, which I may be grateful for. I cannot close my heart any more than I can open the hearts of others, but this is fine. To accept and be at peace is my own Christmas wish at the moment. To be grateful and accept the suffering, no matter where or when it may come, not matter the cause. And yet hoping that it comes from healing, all the better...

      Oh how I wish I could express express this and all with complete fullness, as words are indeed so limited!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 8

     For the third time in five minutes, Link found himself flat on his back on the cold, stone floor, his head ringing. Dolo was laughing again and as Link pulled himself up, Golo was still standing across from him. He was leaning forward in place, his stance ready, grinning encouragingly.
     “Let’s try again!” he said. “Remember to keep your knees bent!”
     Nodding, Link rubbed his chest where the Goron had just managed to strike him and knock him over. “What is this called again?”
     “It’s from a southern form called sumo,” spoke up Dolo before the Golo could say anything. “We changed it some, but that’s it.”
   “Don’t worry about trying to knock me over yet, Durmuni said you need to be faster.” Golo frowned as they stood across from each other, ready to fight. “It must be hard to be so small, only really able to rely on your speed!”

Friday, December 14, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 7

     The rest of the armory seem almost clean itself up, caught up in a whirlwind of frenzied, rough scrubbing, washing and polishing. When a knight came to inspect, he was speechless at Link’s speedy progress. After making him redo a few things, he declared the job finished. Immediately, Link rushed to put his cleaning equipment away back in a nearby room where soap was stored, and then hurried to the stables.
      “Great timing, fairy boy!” The moment he entered, Malon threw him a pitchfork. “You’re just in time to help me muck the stalls!”
     After some instructions, Malon had him cleaning and putting down fresh straw for all fifty eight stalls. She told him that there were even more stables out on the castle grounds, and the Stablemaster was currently stranded there. As he cleaned each stall, Malon would lead the horse out and pace it around the courtyard. As Link worked, he noticed that most of the horses were very frisky in the snow. They tossed their heads and even kicked out at the snow; some bucked around in what he thought was a very childish manner. Malon seemed completely relaxed working with the even the largest horse, which was brown with thick feathers as white as the snow. He leaned against the pitchfork and watched them for a while until Malon noticed and motioned for him to get back to work.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 6

     Zelda woke up in her bed, immediately aware of the cold, biting air. Not bothering to open her eyes, she snuggled deeper into the warmth of her blankets, pulling them over her head. After a moment of basking in the warmth of the shell of blankets and quilts, she peeked out. In her small bedroom, the fire was lit, kept fresh through the night by one of her servants. The firelight and the cold light peeking in through her curtains were the only things illuminating her dark room. Slowly she sat up, keeping the blankets wrapped around her.
     It’s a lot colder this morning.
    Slipping out of bed into her thick, luxuriously soft slippers, she rubbed her arms and pulled her thick nightgown close around her neck as she padded over to the curtains. Drawing them back, she stared outside, her hands clenching the heavy, soft curtains tightly and not releasing them.

In The Christmas Mood

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.
- "A Christmas Carol"

     This post is pretty much going to be a photo-dump, of Christmas and Christmas-related images and quotes.I just feel like using the free time doing such a thing; plus, I'll use several pictures I found from tumblr and deviantart (so copyright to those owners) but those websites, especially tumblr, are sometimes scary and horrible placse, so no one should have to go there if they don't want to; I don't want to spend too much time there, either. Plus, if you're just looking for Christmas things...or Christmas-related things, too, here's the place...well, you may just see some art as well that doesn't at first appear related, but believe me, it is. 
If even one person aside from myself enjoys this post at some point in their lives, that'll be enough for me. 

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
-Norman Vincent Peale

 "Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don't quite know how to put our love into words." 
-Harlan Miller

 I have always thought of Christmas time as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely.
-"A Christmas Carol"

 "What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace." 
-Agnes M. Pharo

All hail to the days that merit more praise
Than all the rest of the year
And welcome the nights that double delights
As well for the poor as the peer!
Good fortune attend each merry man's friend
That doth but the best that he may
Forgetting old wrongs with carols and songs
To drive the cold winter away.

Tis ill for a mind to anger inclined
To think of small injuries now
If wrath be to seek, do not lend her your cheek
Nor let her inhabit thy brow
Cross out of thy books malevolent looks
Both beauty and youth's decay
And wholly consort with mirth and sport
To drive the cold winter away.

This time of the year is spent in good cheer
And neighbours together do meet
To sit by the fire, with friendly desire
Each other in love to greet
Old grudges forgot are put in the pot
All sorrows aside they lay
The old and the young doth carol this song
To drive the cold winter away.

When Christmas' tide comes in like a bride
With holly and ivy clad
Twelve days in the year much mirth and good cheer
In every household is had
The country guise is then to devise
Some gambols of Christmas play
Whereat the young men do the best that they can
To drive the cold winter away.

Like snowflakes, my Christmas memories gather and dance — each beautiful, unique and too soon gone.  
~ Deborah Whipp

Friday, December 7, 2012

Words and Faith and Love

Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness –
happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in
sometimes when you’re lucky. Joy is a light that
fills you with hope and faith and love.
--Adele Rogers St. John

 Women preparing for Christmas is a tale as old as time, but one that I never grow tired of hearing and participating in. The Christmas story is one of reassurance and restoration that I cherish and finally, thank Heavens, it is not surprising in the least to realize that, of course, each December sees us in need of a miracle of one sort or another. How could our Christmas dreams come true, Virginia, if we didn’t need a miracle with our name on it?