Monday, August 20, 2012

End of "Vacation"

    This was my last day of my official "summer." It really is amazing how summer goes by so quickly, how the dreams you had of summer when first getting out of your Spring semester seem to disappear in a haze of heat and humidity. Still, there's a lot to be said for summer, even as it seems to be winding for a premature close, even where I live. Down south in the US, you usually don't get mid-low sixties for nighttime lows until September. Well, guess what temperature it is getting to this week at night? Seems like the seasons are moving more along with the school least the college school year, where I live at any rate.

    But still, summer is a lovely season it's own right. Everything can be dry and bony, or muggy, or sometimes to painstakingly green that the whole world seems to have been turned into a bright emerald, only punctuated by occasional black asphalt or the bright colors of summer wildflowers. The world becomes a special type of painting the summer, and it's a painting with the strong effects of a heat wave or the humidity literally weighing down the plants and people. And then the sky gets the most brilliant colors in the evening, not crisp or pale like the rest of the seasons, but as rich as summer fruit. Then of course, the variety of it all in how people chose to travel. Some go to the mountains, some to the beach, but everywhere it's summer, summer, summer. It's like the season that refuses to be ignored! It even intrudes in the other seasons, forcing some heat even into the heart of winter. Of course, storms and natural disasters are another hallmark of summer...but it can still make for some lovely sights.
     I'm going to make it no secret how much I love water. It's definitely my favorite element, and I feel so uplifted by it in all it's different forms. From a river to rain to ice and snow, I just adore it. And I love incorporating it into my own art, too, no matter how badly I may be at handling the subject. Water is tricky, with it's mirror and rushing and raging and frozen, detailed perfection and even more qualities that could not be's like a beauty that can't be described.

     Ahh, so today, my last free day, officially.....I had wanted to do so much with this summer, and I didn't get much done. Not to say I got nothing done...and perhaps I could have done more if I didn't take summer classes. Who is to say? But I know I learned invaluable things in (one of) those classes, so I wouldn't say I wasted the summer. And even though the summer was hot, especially in July, I'm pretty happy with how I was able to spend it. The first thing I did was go to a freezing camping trip in June...well, that was very nice, except it felt like very early spring instead of late spring. The wind chill was both lovely and horrendous. Still, it was time well spent, as is pretty much any time spent with nature....despite any bear warnings.

    But now I'm going off-topic. This day was very nice, I think. The weather was good, good enough to go the the Student Convocation the local Uni was having. I was looking for the Yoga Society, but they weren't there....but I still got in contact with a few other clubs, and met a really sweet elderly lady. For some reason there's just something about interacting with the elderly that's just refreshing. I don't know how....but it's something with how they interact with you, their bearing and open but....sort of calm manner? It is hard to describe it. I suppose it might be another beauty that can't be described? Anyways, there were a lot of neat coincidences. I met a co-worker, which I was completely just not expecting at all...I got in contact with the Newman Club, and I am definitely going to do things with them. I also gave my e-mail to a couple groups that focused on local events and commerce, one art history club and then also a small Bible Study club, mixed denominations. I considered, briefly, while driving home if I should have joined the International-something-rather group that aimed at people with very loose and "liberal" views on sexuality and SSA and things like that...but because I don't agree with them on certain things, I'd probably get kicked out or something. Heck, just my belief that sex has a meaning and things like that alone might get me kicked out....but I think that people need to realize that pro-traditional marriage doesn't mean anti-gay, because most pro-traditional marriage people don't base their ideas off of sentiment (that is, emotion.) Because people who do think this way do actually have a lot to offer gays...especially in religious groups. Just look at Eve Tushnet and many others...but people don't seem to be very up front about it? It's mysterious.

It reminds me of a story I've's basically pro-gay and totally pro-traditional marriage at the same time. Though, I don't really explore the latter much, at least I don't think so. But I can't help but wonder if some people might find it hard to believe that I will be able to write sympathetic, human characters with SSA and all and explore the good qualities that can be found in their feelings of love and all....yet not support gay marriage. I suppose it'd seem a contradiction. I understand why people would think so, yet it saddens me that it's seems like a default kind of thought, and I wonder how many people could get around it when they're in the mindset? I wonder. I wonder how things will change. I wonder how my books and characters will be received.

I guess I'm thinking about this more because I finally managed to start my real, good, final rewrite of my story The Silent World. One of my old e-mail friends was an absolute wonder and edited the first few chapters of the sequel to that, and gave me all sorts of tips. I really want to incorporate them into this first story, and while I can't wait, I know it'll be a lot of work! But I've got to keep working; I've set a deadline for the last day of October, Halloween, because that's when I start another project. I've got to have these two stories shipshape so I can go and try to lure agents with my charms! Or something like that. I'm sure writing in classes will help so much!

But I've gone off-topic...aside from the Convocation and editing, I also did a few minor things today, amongst which is doing a picture for a series I'd like to do.

    I love getting inspiration from titles and ideas. There's so much potential in just a few words! And one of the things that really appeals to the titles and ingredients for things like body wash/perfume and scented candles! Mostly from Bath and Body Works and from Yankee Candle, respectively. But I've always fancied doing pictures based off of the titles and ingredients of certain scents in such things. Some of them sound so elegant and lovely, while others sound down-to-earth and homely, while others are surreal and mystical. They all appeal to me so much! These drawings won't be at all complete....nor the best quality, frankly, there's a decent amount in the above picture that does bother me. But I'm happy enough to leave it as is. I don't want these to take up too much of my time, and that's that. Oh, this one was based off of the Bath and Body Works scent "Aqua Blossom"'s description included things like "ocean-drenched flowers" and "beautiful world underwater." With my love for water (and flowers, no matter how lazy I may be with both when it comes to painting or drawing), I could hardly resist!

Hopefully, I'll have one of these to put up with each blog.

Well, little more to say right now. Except, I'm pretty happy about this summer. Especially how it's gone with my family, especially my oft-gone older brother. It's sometimes surprising how much your family has to offer...we often don't think to ask, but you can learn and understand so much! And then, after a summer of rebuilding up your childhood vision of your older brother naturally being the coolest person in the world....he starts telling you some of his college stories.....well, childhood visions are nice while they last. But it's a good reminder that I should be open-minded to guys at college (within reason, of course!)

I hope you all have a good end of the summer/summer vacation. Ahh, remember how much fun shopping for school supplies used to be when you were little? Elementary school kids have no idea how good they have it! But life now is also full with good and fun, just different things and different worries. So, even going shopping for things now can be fun, too....though maybe not just quite as fun! If I ever have children of my own, I'll certainly try to make the most of little things like shopping for school supplies. Time sure does fly!

Until next time!

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