Thursday, August 23, 2012

Honeymoon Period, Mouth of Wax Version!

   Today is hardly over, yet it's a big day and I'm thrilled! I finally got my braces off today! It's such a very strange feeling, not having them there...their unnatural presence now feels like it was more natural to me than how I feel without them! But I'm still happy they're off. Everything is all smooth, like candle wax! I want to take good care of my mouth from hereon out....taking care of your body is important! It's the only one you've got...

    So far this week, I've been to all of my classes, and have gotten involved in the online one. I'm really liking the look of them so far. The timing is not convenient, but they have lots of variety! What intimidates me the most is definitely the Italian class, even though I've just had one, but I'm not a natural at languages...and heck, I don't know how I'll do in my math class for that matter.

    But still, I think there's something good to get out of every class, like, learning something that is actually important, something you'll actually remember and take out into the world with you. Sometimes it's very the Italian class. Knowing a second language, even some, has all kinds of uses in different circumstances, and can open different opportunities. But sometimes it can be almost like a fight to get something good out of a class.

    Classes are like boxes of jewels. Inside is an assortment of different types of rocks, some valuable, some not...and sometimes the most valuable ones are those we ourselves have to polish or cut, or in short just put some extra effort into making it shine and making it worth keeping with us throughout our life. Even in a class that's full of rocks and fool's gold, you're sure to find a pearl, or maybe something that looked like a rock but had a diamond hidden on the inside. These gems can be the material itself, or maybe just the people or a person you meet in that class. I think, this is all part of learning in general. I will also do my best, I pray...I'm aware I'm in the sort of honeymoon period of a semester, in the beginning where you don't have much, if any, homework and no big assignments. But when the going gets tough, the tenacity to bring the best out must get going!

     The other night I went to the Newman club for the local Uni. It was pretty fun! Though I think I was over-thinking things. Basically, I need to recognize that there are all different kinds of friends in all different sorts of scenarios, and I just need to be more open to this and just take this time to learn and get to know others. I love getting to know other people, and for now, I think I should just leave it at that and not worry. Friends will come or won't come when God decides! And this group looks like it'll be a lot of fun, and I want to make the most out of this and all the different situations that come my way. Though, I can't help but thinking that college would be a lot of fun...if we didn't have homework and tests! (Papers, I love papers, so I'm just fine with that part of classes.)

     The other evening as I was driving home from the Newman club, the sun was setting, and the sky was this lovely shade of pink. It was all over the sky on the clouds, streaking here and there with subtle depth, and I probably shouldn't have looked as long as I did, since I sorta swerved and didn't drive as safely as I oughta, but still! It was very brilliant, yet the richness that was missing from it indicated...that summer is coming to a sort of early close. And the weather was very mild most of the morning, nearly cool at times, with a definitely cool breeze. It's still definitely summer though, it's hanging in there, and who knows when the first breeze of autumn will come tumbling in? Hopefully in mid-September. Proper autumns are the way to go!

    Around the local Uni there's a bunch of gorgeous older neighborhoods, with huge trees and lovely houses, small and large. The other day, I sorta took a wrong turn when trying to get to where the Newman club was meeting, and wound up driving in the neighborhood for quite a while. I'm glad I did. I love looking at houses and yards, imagining what it must be like to wake up and see such a lovely place, what it must be like to see it when there's a snowfall, how relaxing it must be to have all these large trees with their shade...I just wonder how the people who live in some of the most grand or adorable houses feel about where they live. Do they like it? Love it? Hate it? Not even notice it? I think the last is the saddest. Some of the houses really are lovely, and I've love to just go walking around the yard, looking at the landscaping. I just love yard and garden landscaping of all different long as there aren't too many bushes!

    And I have to admit, the local Uni does have some nice landscaping. And really, it's just a lovely little college in general (except for much of the modern art.) Huge old trees, nice decently ornate old buildings, thousands of squirrels invading the system as we speak...awww, but we love them. They're all so cute! I love squirrels and just little critters in general. They definitely sort of capture how all animals are meant to be like our strange (and sometimes erratic) and pretty dumb younger brother or sister that we must look after.

    Recently I ordered Shannon Hale's newest book, Palace of Stone which is a sequel to possibly my favorite of her books (so far) Princess Academy. I can't wait to read it!

    This was done off of the Bath and Body Works scent "Beach Cabana." Ahh, I'd love to go to the tropics some day, especially somewhere more mild, like Hawaii! This one is a lot more simple than the last (I guess?) but I'm still very fond of the colors I chose, and I like the girl's outfit. And that beach towel! And....ahh, I want to go to the tropics someday~ I just love the beach and the ocean! I just love the ocean.

If I ever go or move to the beach, I hope that I remember to treasure where I am and live it to it's fullest. Though I guess that applies to anywhere, any time.

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