Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 5

     Snow was beginning to fall lightly as Link waited with the knights in the large courtyard just inside the castle walls. The walls surrounded them at a distance, reaching down a wide lane on both sides. Lines of about fifteen well-spaced, old oak trees lined each path. Ahead of them was a much shorter wall connected to the castle itself. It seemed much larger, as big as a small mountain, now that Link was at its very foot. All around in the courtyard were knights, simply dressed servants or very well-dressed aristocrats, most hurrying inside from the snow or cleaning up some leaves hastily. The ground was rough, white cobblestones, on which the snow stuck, hardly melting.
     The old knight, Quin, had left them inside the castle, going back out to find Auru and Bolek. Link still had the teal fairy silent and hiding in his shirt. Every now and then she would flutter around, ticklish, and he forced himself not to react. He could still feel the furious gazes of the Georg and Werin, the two knights who had tried to capture the fairy.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A little bit of sour in my life

     And then so I realized that posting about the negative, partially induced by finals sleeplessness and stress, was a silly idea. Why?

    Because the bitterness and resentful feelings are the most wasteful things to remember ever.

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 4

     It took Link and Auru a good ten minutes to cross the castle grounds along the winding, main road and reach the east side of the castle. Link looked up to see the scaling towers and peaked roofs far above them. The sun was hovering towards the west, casting their side of the castle in shadow. With the chill wind blowing freely from the northern mountains, they shuddered in the shade. The knights, none wearing an additional cloak or cape, were rubbing their hands together, moving around to keep warm. One tall knight stood apart from the others, his lance slack at his side, looking away towards the mountains.
     Auru approached the other knights, who stood up straight, their expressions curious yet still rather bored as he asked, “Is Bolek around here?”

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 3

      Someone was grabbing Link by the shoulders, shaking him. Mumbling incoherently, he opened one eye. Auru was sitting beside him, looking tired and peevish. It was before dawn, and the sky was a grey blue, with dark grey clouds threaded, wispy, all over.
    “Link, this is the fourth time I woke you up!” he was saying as he rolled up his bedding. “You need to get up now, everyone’s almost ready and we’ll be going in a few minutes. We’ll be left behind if you don’t hurry!”
    After yawning widely, Link began to slowly inch up. His head and leg ached strangely. Moving gingerly, he slowly sat up and reached for his head. His hat was gone. Looking around dully, he spotted it on the ground, where he had used it as a pillow. Picking it up, he unfolded it, slipping his hand inside. He felt out a tear in it, wide enough for him to slide all of his fingers through.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

After more than two months...(spoilers marked)

    This morning, in the first showing, I FINALLY saw "Rise of the Guardians."

    Though I haven't been too open about it on here (maybe?), I've been seriously anticipating and looking forward to this movie. That means sometimes looking up news for it every day, scouring around for clips and trailers, etc, and getting seriously hyped up and excited over each new thing I saw.

     It first started because Jack Frost (above) is such a cute-pie. Seriously. But then the whole basic concept for the characters and the story basically makes me jealous that it's not mine! Having different emblems of childhood myth be true, giving them a purpose directly correlating to childhood, not to mention establishing them as their own persons and characters within and without their's a refreshing concept, and I can see why Dreamworks was so keen on adapting it to film.

     But my obsession with this film

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Find the key

Finally, some time for some art that's a little more complete than the scents series!

    This is Deora in a scene that doesn't happen.
    Putting this one up for reasons, for all that I have had attached to this story, all the memories of it. And it's not yet published...who knows what else will happen?
    But I just adore my little losers (aka characters.)

     The background was inspired by the Baten Kaitos backgrounds. Those games are too beautiful and are my life (not exaggerating TOO much.)

     Speaking of life, Rise of the Guardians tomorrow. Finally, after over TWO MONTHS. Will update about it afterwards.

    This picture is also found on my DA:

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Legend of Zelda: Deluge November Part 2


     They passed Oerba, and then the other two fishing villages. In just about two hours, they had reached the outskirts of the last village, Yambol. Here, the river met Hyrule Field. As they approached it, neither of them spoke. Link kept glancing at the line of trees on their side of the river as it drew further and further away from them, leaving them much more in the open than he was used to. The banks were now solid grass, and were almost level with the river. The river itself in this area was incredibly wide and deep, with only a few larger rocks breaking the smooth surface below visible far below the river’s clear surface. At one point Link tried to throw a rock across the river. His throwing arm gave him a reach of about twenty feet, or more if he threw it well. This was a good throw, yet it only reached about halfway across the river.
     The trees had cleared away completely, now at their backs.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tai Chi and Relevancy

   I went with a friend to a Tai Chi lesson and it was awesome. There was  the geek feeling of thinking about Water Bending, but it was also just a lot of fun. Like yoga in the whole exercise-the-body-empty-the-mind type of thing, but my instructor kept reminding us how these moves would be used properly to knock someone's eye out or break a rib. It was so much fun.

    Really though, it's very magical when such a type of exercise makes you feel so connected to so many different ways. First, it's focus on the balance and movement of the body made you feel in control and calm, and...the fact that we learned "Repulse the Monkey" made me think of Xiaolin Showdown and realize that Tai Chi is officially awesome. But that aside, I think the best exercise does and should connect you to your body and soul, in different ways. And the calmness of the mind brought on by things like Tai Chi and Yoga is pretty special, magical, especially when the mind seems full and stressed. It's like proper prayer and/or meditation, but you're actually moving and all. It was just a lot of fun!

    And because it's absolutely worth mentioning, as anything good is, the ending to (THE FIRST) Yu-Gi-Oh show is just awesome and sad and sweet. Even if things end earlier than you'd like, no matter what the reason, there is still the exceptional blessing that you knew anyone or experienced anything. It's truly a lucky thing given to us by God!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Legend of Zelda: Deluge November 1 Part 1


     Link shrugged on his old coat that had more patches than solid garment. Layrel watched her brother from the stoop of the modest inn where she was boarding, her slight figure framed by the large, dark wooden door. Still in her nightgown, one of Link’s long, old tunics, she shivered as a breeze from the river rushed past them.
     “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” Layrel asked briskly, rubbing her arms.
     It was Calan Galaf, the day after All Soul’s Night. It was still early morning, and the sky bore only the faintest signs of dawn; the grey rising over the trees to chase away the stars, the pink clouds. The sun was well hidden behind the woods that surrounded the Zora’s River.
     This morning in Oerbel, most villagers and revelers remained asleep. Some had already arisen out of habit and, in a sleepy stupor, were trying to go about their morning chores. Others, like Layrel, had arisen to help prepare the enormous, luxurious luncheon that the all gathered in the village shared in honor of the day.
     “This will be my only year where I’m in charge of the knot bread.” Layrel frowned at him, twisting one of the loose pigtails of her long blonde hair in her hand.
     Link shook his head. “I need to get back.”

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Grand Design

 Let your love flow outward through the universe,
To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
Then as you stand or walk,
Sit or lie down,
As long as you are awake,
Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
Your life will bring heaven to earth.
-Sutta Nipata

Suddenly, inexplicably, and more often than anyone ever suspects, life stuns us with loss. We lose a loved one, or our job. We lose our home, or our health. Without warning, hearts are broken, dreams are dashed, fortunes reversed, lives shattered. Gone are the assumptions that sustained us; the expectations that shaped us; the illusions that propped us up. We feel as if life is over—and we are right. Life as we knew it is over. In an instant. The ordinary instant.
Whether the loss is personal, precipitated by a phone call in the middle of the night, or collective, announced during a breakfast television bulletin, whatever was in our lives only a moment ago—serenity, sanity, security, safety, sameness—is ruthlessly snatched away or blown to smithereens. And we are left behind—bewildered, bereft, and incredulous at the horrific reality of what is now facing us. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Deluge Playlist Update

I had an old one on my DA, but it got lost in a sea of journals, plus it needed updating in different ways. I'll try to categorize the songs by what they relate to in regards to the fan fiction. Hopefully this will give a solid idea of the type of mood and culture and story this fic is/will be.

Holiday Songs:

All Soul's Night:

Calan Gaeaf: tbd

Yule / Eventide:

Day of Light:
