Sunday, November 25, 2012

A little bit of sour in my life

     And then so I realized that posting about the negative, partially induced by finals sleeplessness and stress, was a silly idea. Why?

    Because the bitterness and resentful feelings are the most wasteful things to remember ever.

    When I look back, I want to remember how lucky I was to know someone. How good they were. All that they did for me. I want to remember any love of any type just as that; love, which is so much bigger than any bitterness springing from suffering.

   Sadness happens. The bitterness happens along with it, too. But it doesn't matter, it's not important, not at all compared to the love and people around us, or not around us anymore. Sure, the bitterness was there. But it just pales in comparison to....everything else. The bitterness sure isn't what was missing from my posts or my life.

    Tonight, even though it's way too late, I realized that really caring for someone, whoever they are, means letting go of bitterness, being thankful even when it hurts. Because bitterness just harms. I am sorry that it was ever here. It's not what should be remembered or feelings ARE relevant, but the good ones that help, that let go, that heal, that wish with love for someone's welfare.

    I wish I could really express this. Maybe I'm just really, really, really nuts!

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