Thursday, March 21, 2013

Legend of Zelda: Deluge December part 5

    “What are you doing in these woods?” The giant tree’s voice came out low, deep, and earthy, reminding Link of sound of an old man telling an ancient tale, of the hard sound of boulders scraping and dislodging, and of a great bear’s throaty growl.

    None of the researchers found a voice to answer: Gutoh was staring, mouthing silent words, his face alight but frozen; Roe had shrunk behind the former but too held a distinct expression of astonishment, his wide eyes scrolling over the giant, talking yew; Faron, in front of the other two, dumbly plucked at his long salt and pepper beard, not even blinking, his lips pursed together. Vinn, their guard, stood behind them all, his hand on his sword’s hilt, his face pale.

    Link noticed the frown lines on the tree’s face grow deeper in the silence. After quickly glancing at the others to see them still dumbfounded, he spoke up, “These men were traveling to research the woods. I…I was looking for someone.”

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sherlene Holmes: Comic

Though, I guess this is really only funny if you've seen that one episode of Batman: The Animated Series. C'est la vie.

On a side note, yay for St. Joseph's Day!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

4. Affection and Insecurity

The fourth one in the series.

Did this while thinking of all the songs linked here:

And as I mentioned there, I never thought of the song "I'm Just Your Problem" as related to romantic feelings---if you think that girls can't have extremely emotional, extremely stressful and bitter breakups with their platonic friends, then you've never been in that situation yourself.

We're girls. Especially in teenage years (which Marceline is in), we get overemotional over things, especially when it means losing a relationship of ANY SORT with someone who is very dear to us, and it can leave painful and strongly emotional residue for a very long time.

And denying this means shoving around people and characters into labels to suit certain stereotypes, which is hardly open-minded.

I know this isn't the best thing I've done by a long shot, but I was very happy to get the chance to draw Marceline. I wanted to draw her more feminine and classy and wearing a dress because she has appeared in these sorts of fashions in the show, and that tends to get overlooked since she's not as stereotypically feminine as some other characters, but she's hardly mannish in her tastes...opposite of how the culturally and ethically homogenous population of tumblr represents her.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

3. Ongoing

With the song identified here:

This song is one of my favorites from Skyward Sword, and it was perfect inspiration for this prompt. I did this thinking of the Link and Zelda from my comic series I plan to do, but later on, when I actually go about writing their story. She's going to send him on a quest to what's basically hell; what he's going there for I haven't decided yet, but it's an extremely important point in this story, starting off a chain of events that are pivotal for Link's character.

I did the first draft for the next chapter by the way, so it should be coming along soon.

Everything's been strangely blue lately, but c'est la vie. Spring break ending blues!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Limpidly Flow

Please view it fully, which unfortunately will mean using the right-click then View, as this is too wide for the blog format.

Did this based off of Baten Kaitos music and scenery, the Boggly Woods in Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, an artist I knew who used real lace in art, and the concept of a spiritual bouquet.

When I woke up two mornings ago with this song in my head note for note, I just knew I had to do something.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Legend of Zelda: Deluge December part 4

    In the light of the four blazing fires that illuminated the small clearing and cast grim flickering lights on the cliff and tall trees surrounding, Link, the researchers and their only remaining guard, Vinn, began to sort the luggage that had been hastily dumped in the middle of the fires. Link found his sword and pack there, which had been quickly, poorly tied back together with the leather thongs. Untying them and unfolding the blankets and digging amongst his belongings, he found everything was still there—save two things.

    “Where are they?” He looked up at Gutoh, the researcher who was closest, who opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. The man’s face was stricken as he just shook his head quickly. He looked at the other researcher, Roe, who did not even respond, his face still colorless, his eyes wide.Link turned his gaze towards Vinn, who was pulling his own pack up onto his shoulders. The guard noticed him and half-heartedly shrugged.

    “He—took a few things.” He jerked his head towards the bloody, strewn corpse of the other guard, Narif, who was left at the edge of the clearing. “Get them yourself.”

Saturday, March 9, 2013


From my DA post of this:

I'm not going to lie and say I spent a whole lot of time on this, but I wanted to focus more on the colors and coloring. The little time I spent with the line art and character concept shows for sure in that A: Her outfit is highly inaccurate and B: Yeah, there's a lot similar to this and the previous picture of the series, I know. But I'll be watching out for that.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

That Art Series

A series of art prompts related to and inspired by songs, with some details or quotes or ideas related to them. Links will be given as they are created and posted.

1: Grandiose ("The Eternal Diva", Professor Layton: The Eternal Diva) 

2: Hope ("Serah's Themes", Final Fantasy XIII-2) (Character: Serah)

3: Ongoing ("Gate of Time", Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword)

5: Destiny ("Run", Final Fantasy XIII-2, also a remix of Noel's Theme)

7: Decision ("Short Hair", Mulan)

8: Eternity ("Forever My Heart", Miriam Stockley)

10: Festival ("He Nan Xiao Qu", Jia Peng Fang)

11: Villain (Caius’ Theme, Final Fantasy XIII-2)

12: Otherworldly Hero ("The Story of the Past", Samurai Jack Soundtrack)

13: Neon ("Rave in the Forest", Samurai Jack Soundtrack)

14: Bleeding ("Blue Lips", Regina Spektor)

15: That's Enough Curves for You, Young Man (Hercules Songs w/ the Muses, Hercules Soundtrack)

16: Love ("Forever", Jia Peng Fang)

17: Anton and the Ghost ("Friend Like Me", Aladdin)

18: Beginning ("Gates of Dawn", Secret Garden)

19: It's Inductive, Thank You, Idiot ("Series One Suite", Sherlock)

20: What Was Lost ("Lotus", Jalan Jalan)

21: Beauty ("Isobella", Enya) (Character: Zelda)

22: Training ("Dumpling Warrior Remix", Kung Fu Panda 2)

22: Divine ("The Burning Bush", The Prince of Egypt)

23: Usurper Ghosts ("In the Dark of the Night", Anastasia)

24: Truth ("What Am I to You", Adventure Time)

25: Together ("Tha Mo Ghaol Air Aird A' Chuain", Julie Fowlis)

26: Goodness ("Cardinal Knowledge", The Secret of Kells Soundtrack)

27: Freezing Rain ("The Broken Manas and My One and Only", Baten Kaitos Origins Soundtrack)

28: Dream ("Unknown Song", Final Fantasy XIII-2, also a version of Yeul's Theme)

29: Reconciliation ("Leaves from the Vine (Instrumental)" Avatar: The Last Airbender Soundtrack)

30: To You ("le ali del principio", Baten Kaitos Origins Soundtrack)

31: Expectations ("Rolling Girl", Hatsune Miku)

32: Yearning ("Yeul's Theme", Final Fantasy XIII-2 soundtrack)

 33: Ethereal ("New Bodhum" and "Ruined Hometown", ibid)

34: Suffering ("Thanksgiving", George Winston)

35: And Move ("Baile Para La Luna", Nicholas Gunn)

First of an Art Series (Grandiose) and Updates

This is the first of a series of 35 pictures I plan on doing, all strongly linked and inspired by a particular song, though I'll be letting inspiration from any number of places flow freely while drawing and painting the picture. Here we have inspiration from Professor Layton, the notion of "classic beauty", lazy decorative art, as well as from different artists, one of whose characters I partially modeled this character here after.