Monday, June 27, 2011

Another in the 100 Themes: Zelda Fan Art

Please, do full view.
I'm quite proud of this one, actually...and that rarely happens! Loved playing with the look of the blue grass. Discovered I like odd-colored's not perfect, but I'm happy with it.

Also on my deviantart account, Mahira-chan, here: . However, it's hidden from non-members, so you won't be able to view it there unless you have membership.

The prompt was Joy.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Starting the 100 Themes

91. Orange

Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion in LCL. I'm starting the 100 Themes Challenge, as on my journal on DA (where this is also posted: )
I highly doubt I'll be putting up all the different pictures I do for the themes, but I'll be putting up the majority, maybe.

I'm thinking of making a logo to use for my pictures, especially the ones I put both on here and on DA....who knows.

Did this while listening to "Hellfire" and other stuff, as mentioned on DA. That's a great villain song, really, even if you don't like the movie: it has so many things in it that are...suiting for a villain (such as presumption of one's own goodness, refusal to accept one's blame for sins, overall astounding pride....etc.). Fits though, since Frollo has to be the nastiest villain of all the Disney villains.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Finally, a real update! Please, fullview.

Just after posting on inactivity, I have this to put's also found on my deviantart page, Mahira-chan at deviantart. I also have linked to this blog from there. Although my work on deviantart is typically members-only, this is viewable on that page. I'll probably keep doing it this way, for the time being. We'll see.
Anyways, I sort of rushed this. I enjoyed doing the coloring and shading, but Zellie's pose still kind of bothers me. Link's fine though (in more than one way.) Still, it is meant to be Spring-themed, as I'm doing the four seasons with these two (I only have summer left) and I['m glad to get this done while it's still technically spring.
Mmm, I want some ice cream now. Spumoni is very good, you know.

Dead Space

I apologize for a lack of updates here. It's been quite busy, and unfortunately I have not created any complete works of art worth putting up here, nor have I had time to write out a review. I have recently watched Avatar (with the blue cat people) and Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion and intend to write a review on both this summer.
I am currently editing the sequel to my first completed story, which is taking up a great deal of my time. I do intend to finish more complete pictures, and post them on here (and perhaps some work-in-progress shots) once they are finished. They are likely to be fan art, as I've realized that most of my complete works are fan art. I have both a Neon Genesis Evangelion picture and a Zelda picture in the works, the latter of which is likely to be finished first, as it has been a work-in-progress for some time now.
Additionally, I apologize if I do not respond to replies on this or other blogs, past or future, as I do not (yet) swing by this page very often.
And I do intend to change the background once I have the time.
I hope you all had a nice May. Here's to June!