Friday, June 10, 2011

Starting the 100 Themes

91. Orange

Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion in LCL. I'm starting the 100 Themes Challenge, as on my journal on DA (where this is also posted: )
I highly doubt I'll be putting up all the different pictures I do for the themes, but I'll be putting up the majority, maybe.

I'm thinking of making a logo to use for my pictures, especially the ones I put both on here and on DA....who knows.

Did this while listening to "Hellfire" and other stuff, as mentioned on DA. That's a great villain song, really, even if you don't like the movie: it has so many things in it that are...suiting for a villain (such as presumption of one's own goodness, refusal to accept one's blame for sins, overall astounding pride....etc.). Fits though, since Frollo has to be the nastiest villain of all the Disney villains.

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