Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just the Dance!

    Well, looks like I've fallen behind. And yet there's so much to say!

     Lately, no horse back riding, since October is looking very busy so far. Already it's been quite hectic, but there's been a lot of greatness in it. The weather has been lovely; the past couple mornings I woke up and it was so cold I didn't want to get out of bed. Which was a bit of a problem, but still! It was very nice. There's something strangely cozy about being in a warm bed when it's cold in your warm, and there's something uncomfortable but still very invigorating about having to get up and out into the cold.

     And it seems just like getting out into the cold, autumn is all about getting out of your comfort zone. It's not always fun, but when you're doing it to do something good, then it's rather something. Even if it's a small thing! The other night, my mum and my sister were away on a retreat that I think did a great deal for my sister, so that's great. But anyways, it was just me and my dad at home. We don't really spend all that much time actually doing things together, so I suggested going to see a movie, that "Hotel Transylvania" movie. It was really great; having any excuse, or no excuse, to go out with someone you know (be it long or for a short time) and making a good memory is always worth other sacrifices of staying in your ordinary experiences, which may be good for sure, but doing something both good and different just stands out, stands out as something more assuredly worthwhile. The movie wasn't great, but it wasn't bad, and I really liked a lot of the designs, especially Mavis. It's a movie I'll definitely watch with my kids someday around Halloween. It was also rather pro-marriage, which really surprised me, but I was really happy about that. There was something quite Disney-esque about it with the "once in a life-time zing" which leads to marriage forever, but that's probably part of what's good about Disney, and the fact that they presented it as a little strange and that love-at-first-sight doesn't happen for reals but good love and marriage does was good, better handling than Disney I might say. Though that does depend on the movie. But anyways!

    We also got sushi before the movie, that was always good. Oh, and then my brother came back to visit after going to a wedding and being the best man! I'm quite proud, heehee! But we found out something rather extraordinary about A and B personality types.

    My family is full of type A. I've tendency towards Type A definitely, and...well, a couple Christmases ago when we were with family, everyone was like....everyone HAD to know everyone else's schedules down to the T otherwise dinner plans or whatnot would be RUINED. It's really quite funny, but it works out fine. Now this friend of my brother's, he and his family are very much more Type B. It kinda drove my brother a little crazy, though not much. I mean, it did work out. Though it is just very different....let's say, less than drove crazy, more just shocked.

    But the ultimate thing was when we found out that my brother's friend had been using our Netflix account on his PS3 for months without realizing that it was ours. He just thought that it had come with the PS3 somehow and that the mysterious account owner just happened to have the same tastes that he does (I'm surprised at that too) and....well, it was all very magical for him and he didn't question it. It was hilarious to hear about! Sounds like my brother knows quite the GK Chesterton, if you know what I mean! It's really neat, really.

     Let's see....oh, it was very nice, at work last weekend I saw a couple girls I know from the Newman Club. It was a nice surprise. I'm a little sad I didn't make it tonight, because I'm interested in talking with them about a club that they're in that does service and meets on Sundays, and it would be after horse back riding hours, too. But it can wait til next week. I highly doubt I'd have the time or energy this Sunday! Again, busy month! And I need to get editing!

    Hmm, now I haven't much to add, but I'm sure there's plenty.

     Let me share an exercise I've had to do recently...just, repeating to myself, that I am grateful for X, whatever it may be: grateful for a friend, grateful for a family member, whatever. It really does help when I feel like I'm just seeing the negative, which can really weigh you down very dramatically. Nothing is fixed on anything, but a new perspective helps a girl like a new great hair cut (but better!) We always tend to emphasize the negative, especially when our feelings are hurt or conflicted or muddled up, but reminding ourselves that we should be grateful especially for the people in our lives individually really helps the positive to shine. It's helped me realize again the goodness in others around me. Of course, nothing's perfect...and it's something I think I should do very frequently. It would certainly help. Gratefulness for the small and the great does wonders, and reveals beauty in other people we would not have seen before. It's almost too sad to think of all the things we would have missed in others if we did not stop and breath and thank God for them and the goodness and beauty in them!

Find something new to be thankful for today. Many of Life’s most sublime moments sneak up on us and then just as quickly vanish. 
 --Sarah Ban Breathnach 

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