Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Golden Breath of Longing Love

    This Hurricane Sandy is pretty incredible, in a sort of terrible way; it's bringing all these power outages (even though it's only a category 1 Hurricane) and all, and it's also bringing all this cold weather around where I live, and up north in West Virgina they're getting tons of snow! But it must be really hard if their power is out there. I hate to say it though, but most of the houses in West Virgina are older, so at least they're far more likely to all have proper fireplaces.

    Anyways, I'm in the cold weather side of Sandy was I said before, and frankly, it's pretty amazing. We finally got a light frost, and it's really beginning to feel like we'll soon be heading into winter...at least, sooner than later. We had been having quite the Indian Summer last week, and frankly it's relieving that it's gone (even if the lack of the humidity combined with refreshing breeze and warm sunshine did feel VERY nice indeed.) Well, either way, we usually do get such a part of the autumn around this time of year. But enough about that!

    Recently, I've become more and more aware of beauty around me, not in just creation, but in fellow people. I finished editing my sequel the other day, and I think that really realizing this is probably connected. Still, for some reason human beauty is so much sadder than almost anything else, despite how amazing and sweet it also is. I suppose it has to do with everything that Eva is about; being hurt, misunderstanding, distance, loneliness...all the things that have always, always hurt people. We are rarely more powerless than we are when someone else will not accept us, and rarely does it hurt more. Yet even then, it perhaps is almost too easy to see the beauty in the other people, if we're willing to realize that we must be grateful for the part they have been in our lives. This sort of thing is everywhere, in everyone's lives in all different ways. It's something irreplaceable, perhaps, and certainly one of the most bittersweet paradoxes in fallen human nature. Which is why it hurts so much and why Eva devoted an entire series to what can happen around it.

     Well, might as well mention that this blog will always be used for my large Gratitude Journal thing, and I do want to continue my Bath and Body Works Scents-picture series on here as much as I'm able. But from this Wednesday on, I'll be using it to submit my Zelda fan fiction to.

    This blog will be the ideal place to read (and for me to submit) my fan fiction, as I'll be able to put up a song in front of each chapter, so the reader will be able to listen as they read. I do have a set "soundtrack" for the fan fiction (as sad as that sounds, I know, but it's really a lot of fun) and this blog lets me do as I please in regards to that.

    This will not be the only place I shall submit the chapters. I'll also submit them on:

My deviantart account: http://mahira-chan.deviantart.com/

My fanfictionnet account: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/4297930/

My tumblr (yikes): http://a-single-thread.tumblr.com/

Since this is my ideal place for my fan fiction, I'll probably be putting up extra stuff (like sketches, concepts and all) on here that won't be on my other places.

And for a picture:

This one is based off the scent "Twilight Woods" which is a definite favorite of mine. This looks a little darker and scarier than the sweet scent would make you feel, but I guess I can't keep Halloween away from my mind. And I think the colors of the sky make up for it a little bit.

Onwards to Halloween and November!

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