Monday, October 22, 2012

The Rustling Days

    It's been over a week since the last entry. That's probably because I hardly know where to start! There's so much happening that I have to be grateful for.

    So, last weekend was my break. I went up to the Mountain Glory Festival in Marion, North Carolina. It was positively wonderful. There was SO much there, and I managed to get a present for my grandmother, which is always a harder thing to do. There were lovely shops in addition to all the booths, and we went in one that had old records and albums; one of them was a super old Christmas album, and I only knew one song on there, "I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas." I considered getting it, just to show it to my grandmother, but decided against it, because I'd really have no idea what to do with it! Oh, the same story also had some really nice dresses, including one that was DREADFUL and covered with sequins. I kinda want to try it on, you know, just to see what it looked like!

     Really, that was a wonderful trip. The driving itself took a while, but it was really nice to talk and catch up with my friend who went with me. Besides, I do like taking longer road trips. It can be a little troublesome if everyone is very tired and cranky, but fortunately that wasn't the case. And the scenery is always worth it, especially in North Carolina!

    This past week was a pretty nice one, too. Strangely enough, I and just about everyone else at the Uni felt very dead after returning from the break, but it was still an easier week...the professors probably know that everyone gets a strange sort of school-fatigue after tasting freedom! There was a final, but I murdered my wrist by giving awesome long answers, so I'm pretty pleased with that...though, last night I did have a dream that I FAILED that test, because I didn't have enough time to answer everything! How strange!

     I also started going to the Newman Club again and I do think I should attend regularly, since I commute. It's still a little sad that I'm disconnected more from just about everyone at the campus since I don't live there and I just really started getting involved this semester, but there's still a lot to be grateful for, mainly still being close to my family and the extra chances I have to be with friends who go to other colleges. So, that's very nice. Plus, there's this group I really want to get into that seems really nice...I'll probably start this upcoming Sunday, they meet on a Sunday.

    Let me think...well, that was this week, and then on Friday I spent the day hanging out with a friend, and then on Saturday my sister and our childhood friend went up to the Arts and Crafts Festival at Lake Lure. I really adore that town, but the festival was also amazing on it's own. I could have done ALL my Christmas shopping there; I already did quite a bit. I'm pretty happy about that...oh, and I also got a pottery turtle to add to my turtle/tortoise figurine collection. Score~!

   But that town is fantastic. The trees were really getting underway in changing, the lake itself is beautiful and clean, and the river and the main town area are both adorable. I got a really cute coaster for only two dollars there, and we just had a great time in the FREEZING river, goodness. But it was all really, really fun. And small towns and small town shops and stores are really adorable (well, MOST of them, no where is perfect.) But still! I'd love to live in such a town someday.

     What's strange is that after going up to the mountains twice, I started yesterday reading a book for school called "The Body Farm" that takes place around Black Mountain NC. It's a little creepy, but also kinda neat in a strange way!

     Oh, at the fair we got this fresh Kettle Corn that was AMAZING. Nothing quite like it....I mean, we saved some and all, and it's still good, but everything's best fresh! Oh, and there was also this amazing fudge stand both at the Marion and at the Arts festivals. One piece (good sized) for a dollar! And other great prices. It's really great! They must do amazing buisness no matter where they go, really!

    Finally, I found more things about the Dreamwork's "Rise of the Guardians", which I've been crazy about for a while now. So, yes, that also made this past week very awesome! And then, of course, there's also the things like the winter birds flying around (cardinals, blue jays, blackbirds), all the humidity going away and leaving us with 40-degree nights, and the fact that even the pin-oak trees are starting to change, which is a big step.

    One last a little over a week, my Zelda fan fiction starts. I think I'll put that up here, as well as on deviantart and fan I just edited it this morning, and I'm pretty stoked!

    A happy October, as it begins it's first steps to closing down with Halloween...

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