Sunday, September 23, 2012

Always Something to Be Found

    Recently I've been going through dramatic ups and downs, but it's always worth remembering that there are innumerable forms of beauty surrounding us.

    Last night was the Eucharistic Congress. Saw lots of old friends and acquaintances, parts of a talk on God and Art and then another by a Sister of Life, I believe is the title...and of course, there was Confession, Adoration, Mass and Communion.

     Confession at the Congress is, of course, awesome and holy but it's also kind of hilarious. The priest you get for your confessor is totally random, so each year I get a totally different type. This year, I got someone with a no-nonsense attitude who I think was connecting all the counsel and advice he gave to something concrete...that is, all the different booths and the books and material that they offered. Which is actually very different, so it was kind of funny, but still interesting and neat.

    Let's see....they had moved the Adoration Tent near the Hispanic track. On one hand, that's pretty cool, and it worked better given the numbers of people...but on the other hand, you had all the music from the Hispanic track going through your head while you were trying to pray and concentrate. I mean, the Hispanic track seems pretty cool...the part I always get to hear is like a non-stop concert. But the convention center is huge and things echo, so we might hear the music more loudly than they do. Still though, it really makes it all feel more connected. Kind of like how they sing Spanish songs and read a reading in Spanish during Mass. It's nice.

     Ohh! Then afterwards, my family and I went to this really super awesome Japanese Sushi bar place, where we got a really nice place to sit since we looked all fancy from being to the Congress. Ahh, we were really celebrating Autumn; the sushi and food was SO good. And I got this soup...I think it was Udon....I got it with seafood since I guessed it might be more authentic, but more than seafood it had tons and tons of veggies. It was REALLY good, and I never dreamed I could get so full of veg! It was a very different experience than other restaurants; variety does you good!

    So yeah, that night was totally awesome, and the Eucharistic Congress is just so neat, and sooo huge this year especially. There's a pretty awesome sense of community, even in such a huge crowd...even if it's not perfect since we're human, there's always the truth that we are all in One Church; more than ever we understand that we are one people, which is the truth. It's the understanding of the unity of mankind on the physical, social AND spiritual levels, and that's just rare and yet amazing.

    And so today...well, I slept in (for once on a Sunday) and that was really nice and I had an especially exciting dream where I had a fiance and was a monster in disguise (sorta?) and could sing like Jayne Wisener. It was a little sad when I woke up and realized (that part) wasn't real...but still.

    Today there was of course horseback-riding...the leaves are beginning to change and fall. Suitably! Soon we will be in an orange and gold and brown world instead of green (with smatterings of yellow and red...). The horses were a little funny today...well, more than usual. I did find out my Fancy horse is actually more bullied on that a fighting bully type. Which DOES make sense...and methinks that a lot of time she's picked on is because she acts like everyone is out to get her and wigs out too much. Silly thing. I'm starting to see her sweeter and laid back side more. I think we work pretty well together; she's trusting me more, but she still keeps giving me "the look" when I'm brushing her or anything on her right side. I don't know why. She's a strange one!

     And my hands still smell like horse. Not that I'm complaining.

     Oh, also before we left, I did another picture. Recently I've been feeling a lot like doing art, which is saying something. Still, after so long, it's quite refreshing.

    Hmm, I still have mixed feelings on this. Though I do like it overall.

     This is based off the scent "Carried Away" which was supposed to be, like, a romantic sort of idea, which makes sense considering it's very fruity and flowery and vanilla-y, but when I saw the title, I thought of something like...romantic, sorta, but also kind of strange, dark and dangerous, but still exciting and pretty and appealing. So this is what happened.

     I listened to this while painting this, and it influenced a lot:

     Here's to a good week gone by and a good week to come!

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