Sunday, September 2, 2012

The poetry in dawn

    This week has been slow, fast and fantastic and strange all at once. School has a fascinating way of reestablishing the flow of time as something very different than how it goes during summer vacation. This week felt so slow, especially Wednesdays with the Newman Club (which is looking REALLY fun...there are a lot of interesting people there and the discussion is great), but at the same time, it feels like last Sunday was only yesterday! Time is a very interesting time, perhaps primarily because of how relative it feels? Yet at the same time, it's also very interesting when most everyone seems to be on the same wavelength of time. You wonder why and how this is, and if there's some meaning to it? I think there's meaning to everything, we just have a hard time understanding it.

    The weather...has been very humid! I wonder if it's the hurricane that came through? Still though, we've been getting some really nice rain showers that aren't thunderstorms. I really like thunderclouds and all that, but I prefer just plain rain. Though it's always a little fun when the power goes out, yet still, rain is good just by itself. It's more relaxing. There's perhaps nothing more soothing than the sound of falling rain....or maybe the sound of ocean waves. Really, water is amazing like that, so soothing and strong at the same time. I guess maybe it's for these reasons people often associate it with women and motherhood? I think it makes sense on a lot of different levels. 

                                                                     Effort, and
                                                                     Trying your best
                                                                     Each hour of the day,
                                                                     Making new friends,
                                                                     Being good as you can
                                                                     Exciting discoveries,
                                                                     Reading books with a friend."
                                                               Boni Fulgham  

     September is a unique month. It's not like October, where autumn is in full swing....September is more quiet.  There's the autumn equinox, or Mabon, but where I live autumn generally does come in like a lamb. And it's also kind of neat, because this month seems to have a lot of different days dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Which I think is very interesting! Autumn always seemed very feminine to me as a season. All the seasons in general seem feminine, perhaps because the earth and material creation (or creation in general?) is this way, but autumn stands out. Perhaps it's because I grew up with these days surrounding Mabon that have to do with true glorification of motherhood and femininity? And fertility, really. That's one sad thing I think we're losing....respect and admiration for fertility, which also means a loss of love and respect for mothers and babies. I think the respect and feeling of sacredness in regards to fertility is very magical in many ways. The miracle of new life, no matter when where or how, is always amazing and just astonishing.
     This morning, we drove to an early Mass, and the sky was very clear for the first time in a while. We could see a really gorgeous sunrise, or at the least the sunrise colors in the sky and the lightness. And the morning moon. I adore morning moons for many different reasons. I love the moon, I always have. It's fascinating how we can look at it directly, even as it reflects the sunlight, which would burn our eyes out if we tried to stare at it too! The moon is like a mirror, and it's mirroring one of the most wonderful things there is. Just like the sun that shines down indiscriminately on all people, all saints and sinners, and gives life and the seasons, the moon gives us light. We really lose a sense of just how dark the night is, surrounded as we are by city lights and artificial lights. I think it's easy to lose a grasp of just how much we need the sun and the moon, and really just how miraculous it are that they are so perfect for us, and just how beautiful they are. It's almost beyond belief! 

    Recently I've been re-reading, for the third time, Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. The first time I read the book, I thought that I just liked it, but did not love it....but now I'm pretty much in love with it. There's too much to it, in a very good way, and plus, I just had to reread it, because I recently got the sequel, Palace of Stone, that only just came out a little while ago! I'm stoked to read it! But I know I'll appreciate it much more once I re-read this first one. Plus, I can't miss a chance to re-read it. It's a very precious book. 

    Books are pretty amazing, and I mean books that are very good. I think the best books capture true human nature, in any variety of ways, without disgusting sensationalism that destroys the dignity of humanity insofar as the characters represent humanity.  I don't understand the overtly crude or detracts ultimately, especially in this day and age? In the movie Damsels in Distress which might just be the best satire college flick ever, they point out that there's no subtlety anymore. This is so true! When it's so lost, I think we are desensitized, which leads to more, grosser sensationalism and it's a circle. Subtlety is good and needed, I think, especially for the delicate matters. Plus, it has a credit for treating the readers as if they're actually smart and not just part of a mindless mass. In honesty, I prefer some censorship, because in the past it really has provoked more profound and through works of art. People can't do whatever they please, so we have to actually think and come up with a subtle, smart, less direct way of asserting the ideas. I think it's so interesting, and it's all part of why I love reading good books and (hopefully) writing them! I've been reading and writing a fair amount over the past week, so I guess I just have books on the mind! 

     Oh, a few days ago I made moon cakes, all by myself! I am not very good with dough...they turned out looking more like rocks. But they still tasted really good, and I'll definitely be making more (though with help.) 

      And I'll definitely be horse-back riding again soon! I just can't wait, I really can't wait. I hope I can finally be able to ride one of the best, favorite horses in the place...I've always wanted to ride him so much, even if he's a bit tall for me. I'm short, so I really prefer shorter horses. I know loads of people who are short still like really tall horses, but I can't understand that! I guess I'm a wuss about it...but I don't care! I love horses!

      Now for the picture!

     This one is based off of a flowery, slightly fruity and sugary scent called Be Enchanted and I just knew....I just knew it would have to be very girly! Though the girl herself looks just a little creepy in this one. But I still love her hair! 
     I did this last night while chatting with one of my friends on the phone. I love talking on the phone, which is funny because I used to hate it! But seriously, there's something that's way more fun and personal about talking on the phone compared to chatting or texting. I just really prefer it. Plus in this case, it was a great source of fun inspiration! I don't think this would have turned out the same way if I wasn't talking with her. It was great! 

    ...And I really want the girl's shirt! 

    Here's hoping that the weather will take a turn for the cooler soon! Though it's not looking very favorable until next week...but I don't care! As long as we get some autumn!  


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