Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Dusty Roads

     A day ago, I went to work very early. It had been a while since I had been up so early; I got to see the sunset in all of it's stages. What was most remarkable was probably what I missed: the moments when the sky turns from golden pink to pale blue and the clouds turn from crimson to white. One moment the sky looks as though it's been dyed by the last remnants of the night waging a small battle with the coming day and dawn and the sun. The next moment it is day, and the night has been forgotten until it comes again to make it's rounds.

    Still, seeing the sun in its rising, golden glory, enough to harm my eyes for a was like a molten gold medallion, burning on the canvas of the sky, giving life to the arc of blue, scarlet and violet that surrounds us. A speck of the real, the tangible, the texture amongst the image, the flat and smoothness of the sky and the distant stars. Something to burn us, nurture us, guide us....

     Recently, I finished reading "The Moonstone." I was impressed, for many different reasons. I'm excited that we'll be able to start reading the next story, a Sherlock Holmes one, but...reading one of the first big mystery novels was amazing, because I could really see how it established so much we take for granted about the mystery genre. Kinda like how Sherlock Holmes in general established so much of what we take for granted in British story-telling media in general? Even the Doctor would undoubtedly be very different, or maybe not even exist, if it weren't for Holmes.

     I do not know if I will ever write mystery. But there's no doubting it's appeal. It's the search for truth, and that calls to something deep within all humans, and within me. I crave it, though it's easy to fear it...

     Just a couple days ago, I went to see a relic of the true Cross.
     It was very strange. I had a good, great conversation with (or at?) the was almost painfully private, I wished no one else was there, though I think this is normal. Still, it's another way of understanding the Word made Flesh. It's just....well, something. It's hard to describe it, actually. Just realizing the gravity of it all, of having such a thing SO close to you, seeing it....
     It blows the mind if you think about it too much. That's what I love about Catholicism, Christianity, relics, everything. It's awesome and amazing, sad and sometimes so awesome it can feel like something terrible, though in a good way, and just it calls me to truly live how I need to live, not just how I want to live.

     Recently, I've been reading the Aria manga, a chapter a day, usually before I start the day. It's done wonders for my mood, though I realized with some amusement that if I'm not careful, that story could become for me what Robinson Crusoe is for Betteredge in "The Moonstone"! And that's just funny and a little sad in so many different ways. What a character!

    This week was very inactive socially. I had a lot to do and a lot due, and...well, I'm not that pleased about it. But I'm still grateful I could do everything pretty much as well as I'd like, and it was a nice break. And I'll be looking forward to this week. The weeks, the weeks go by so quickly now!

     Even without social interaction, I've had too much on my mind, too much to do. I've been inspired to write a new story that I find absolutely fascinating as I'm diving into it. I'm even heartily pleased with the more minor characters, and frankly, I think I will love to write this story. All the ideas, all the energy and inspiration are as taxing as going to a thousand social events in a week! So while this week has, on the surface, seemed very quiet, it's been something of a whirlwind! I've even been scribbling away in my notebooks, drawing and writing on the characters. I just can't stop, and I love it, but it takes more time and energy than one would think!  The days have flown!

     Already, we are back at another Sunday...another day of horseback riding. We almost didn't go, since it looked like it might rain, but thankfully it didn't, and I'm very happy we went. My horse, Fancy, behaved so much better today, though she still gave me "the look" which this time might have been a "just hurry up and take me back to my pasture already" look. But anyways, I've gotta say...there's something about riding a horse, sitting up straight, riding in a canter, riding in a good become part of something greater, something alien, you're experiencing something that humanity alone could not experience. This is perhaps part of why horses are so amazing, they are a gateway to a part of your nature that you didn't even realize or think about before! I'll always love it, I think.

     No fancy pretty picture this time....I've been thinking of doing some comics, just poking fun at my life and enjoying it, and I decided to do something small about horseback riding. I apologize for sloppiness and all that, but I wasn't trying awfully hard, I was just having fun with the idea: presenting me and Fancy:

       Why would I be holding the rope like that if I was on her left side? Well, you do strange things with the rope sometimes when you're trying to open a gate and not let other horses past nor let your horse pass you....yes, that's my story.

     I exaggerate...SOME on this. First, Fancy really is one of the fittest horses I've ever seen. She's got the round belly, but she's tight, and her muscles are big and very firm: she is not fat or anything.
And I think she gets into a lot of fights: today she had a pretty fresh cut or two, as well as a mark near her neck that looked like another horse had bit her. She's got quite a 'tude with a lot of horses, especially male horses, and she's actually a lot bigger and taller than I present her (I am SHORT) so she's got some stuff to throw around. I wouldn't put it past her to instigate some horsey-battles.

    Okay, when I first heard that she had a face that was all white, I thought it would be pretty. Wrong. She's got an ugly face: it's wide, especially between the eyes, and her jaw especially is just...well, it's not pretty. She's not REALLY ugly, I exaggerate, but she is not what I'd call a cute or very pretty horse, okay? Plus, her left eye gets sunburnt and puffy around it with stuff around it too, and it just makes her look worse.

     Overall, she crushes the dreams of pretty, beautiful, delicate little horses.
     Though ironically, my sister was riding a substitute horse today that was nearly a perfect, pretty, little, slim Arabian with a really pretty, fine small head and slim neck and build. Hmmm.

     But I really like Fancy now, I think. She's got SUCH  a 'tude, and it's so complicated, annoying and hilarious that she could totally be a cat!

    The leaves have begun to change, naturally, gradually, wonderfully. I pray they keep going well!

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